Practicing Racial Justice: A 3 Hour Somatic Workshop for White People

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Practicing Racial Justice: A 3 Hour Somatic Workshop for White People


On Indigenous People’s Day this year, we welcome white folks, white-passing, and multi-racial folks who want to work on their whiteness to join us in practice together for the sake of ending white supremacy in our lifetimes. Especially if you are Jewish, queer, trans, and/or hold another marginalized identity AND you are white, this is a place for us to continue to do the learning together from the body up.  

This 3 hour in-person workshop, facilitated by Dara Silverman, will be an introduction to the body-based methodology introduced in the longer “Embodying Racial Justice Courses” Dara offers. This lineage has its roots in Aikido and Eastern European practitioners. It offers interactive individual and group body-based practices that are explicitly framed within an antiracism lens. We will begin to build our capacities to notice what happens in our bodies when we experience any kind of pressure and stress and begin to imagine how to show up differently as white people working inside of liberation movements in the US at this time. This course takes us from inside our heads into the fullness of our bodies as pathways for sustainable change. 

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